Wednesday, December 3, 2008

On the Road Again . . .

In October, that is. Being unemployed and all, we've been doing a lot of talking lately about the direction we want our lives to go.

We realized that we don't want to be stuck in Illinois, that we're ready to truly feel settled. Being here kind of feels like being on a bus stop, just another pause on the journey.

So, we're going to head south. We're planning a road trip for sometime this spring to scout out the potential areas, and by next fall we'll be packing up. We have a lot to do before then, bills to pay off and a savings account to build up; however, it feels good to at least have a direction. God willing, that will be the resting place for our hearts . . . May my restless spirit find some peace . . .

I've been putting quite a bit of time into building up a passive income for us. Slow going, but I've got determination. It's all part of the dream, baby.


Sasha said...

PLEASE NOT FAR AWAY!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Nicole.Ann said...

I miss you!!! I really do. I hope you guys find a way to get where you're going and Godwilling find whatever place it is your hearts are content :)

FYI....maybe a few pics of your belly would be great!! me/send me pics :)

A Lady Called Amy said...

Please closer! Lol. :-P
I hope you find your dreams.
Love you!!

pix for me too!!! :-P